Thursday, February 08, 2007

Globalization and indrustrialization in the Chinese toy market

Armah L.Kamara
EAP1 Writer’s Workshop 1

Globalization and industrialization in the Chinese toy market

In his article,” Lament of Chinese toys of old”, Kelvin Platt (1999) mentions that, the Chinese toy market has been greatly affected by the globalization and introduction of modern toys which have made many changes to Chinese cultural preservation. Children no longer want to see or play with old toys, such as, opera mask, hand-inscribed paper balls, pinwheels, and other antique playthings because they feel those are not very entertaining and they prefer modern toys like electronic games, watching movies or having robots which bring great excitement.

However, Liang Zuwang, a former toy manufacturer and collector, organized an exhibition, in which he says, it is important for children to have modernized toys because of the computer age, he wants the Chinese toys of old to be preserved because it helped the children to use their imagination and helps keep in focus or preserve the past of Chinese culture and its evolution. He also says these toys like the hand-painted clay figures, stilt-walkers, or a craftsman preparing to mend an iron bowl, showed how people lived in the 1800s.
Therefore, he wants the Chinese populace to rally and preserve these toys of old so the richness of China’s cultural past can be realized and appreciated from generation to generation.
Platt, K. (1999,Dec 24). Lament of Chinese toys of old. Christian science monitor. P.6