Tuesday, November 08, 2005

Types of love -by Selina

Summary of “ Types of Love ”

Bernard Seal thinks that these are the types of love: ludus, storge, mania, pragma, and eros. Love is fun to the ludic lover. The ludic lover will end the relationship with the partner if he or she cannot find any interest from the partner. The storgic lovers have limited passion and strong emotions, but they can keep a longer relationship and endure the separation of long time without feeling that there are any troubles with the relationship. The emotions of manic lovers will be high and low. They love intensely after feeling the depression of life. The pragma lover is practical person. They often search the person on the Internet who matches the data that they think important. They consider social qualifications, family and background to be important. Beauty and attractiveness are the characteristics of the erotic lover.


I agree with the author that there are different kinds of love. It seems that ludus is the most romantic. To begin with, the ludic lover has to have something interesting all the time. The reason why ludic lover seeks a partner is to find something interesting. If they cannot find anything interesting from the partner, they will end the relationship. The son of my father’s sibling is a ludic lover. He has fun with his partner all the time, so he is happy. Moreover, ludic lovers have more freedom than other lovers. They hope their partners will not be worried if they have other partners. They view love is a game, so the love is under control. If a ludic lover wants to change his or her partner, it is acceptable. Consequently, I consider ludus to be the most romantic love. We can see that from the summary above, storge lacks passion; mania goes up and down extremely, high and low; pragma is too practical; erotic lover always feels unfulfilled. Ludus is fun than these.


Seal, B. (1997) Types of love. In Academic encounters (pp.203-205). NY: Cambridge.
By Selina