Wednesday, October 06, 2004

Male's advantage will be nothing

A man has more advantageous points than a woman. It is the same in US and other countries. Of course, it is also true in Japan. So, while female’s right is made equal to a male in many countries, it is common for a male to be still have advantages and a female to have a disadvantages. I think this is not buried easily, but it slot will surely be buried in the near future.
In Japan, advancement in the society of a woman is not new and the woman also wishes it so. In a company or an organization, a male still has an advantageous position. For example, a company employs the same numbers as man and woman in twenties. Ten years later, the woman’s number is half of male’s. Because the woman will usually quit if she gets married. The woman who does not quit even if she gets married is disliked in the company. On the other hand, since the male thought to work till retirement age, he is considered useful. Therefore, at middle age there are only men in the company or organization.
In a family, man has a more advantages. Many Japanese men think that housekeeping is a woman's work and women also; however, many women think that housekeeping is joint work for husband and wife. For example, if there is a man who does not do housekeeping at all, he earns the salary, and nobody complains.
Before, Japanese women did not have human rights, because society was led by men. Now, Japanese woman is powerful and active. The relationship between a male and a female is changing. The idea that a man is predominant is old, but still, there is not equality. In the future, the difference between man and woman will have the same meaning as the color of eye and skin. Then, man’s advantage will be nothing.